Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Here we go!

Our next adventure begins in one month, five weeks from Saturday to be exact. We are headed to Xiamen, China, to teach English and travel for ten weeks. This is an adventure that came out of the blue - a small ad in the retired teachers' magazine, a couple of years to get things together, and now we are almost off. We are not sure what to look forward to. All we know is that for the first time in our lives, we will be in a place where we can't even guess at the language or the signs, the food will be totally different, we aren't sure exactly where we will be living or what that accomodation will look like, but as the male in our twosome says "even if it is bad, it is only ten weeks, and we can stand almost anything for ten weeks". We will miss Christmas, baby grandchildren's development, all sorts of firsts, but we will experience firsts of a different kind, and will come home refreshed, renewed, and with a new appreciation for all things Canadian.